Wednesday 27 April 2016

Charlie and the Chocolate Fractions

On Maths day year 3 and 4 worked on a challenging Maths investigation about sharing chocolate bars. I was very impressed by their resilience and engagement. Take a look at this link to see the problem we were working on:

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Thursday 14 April 2016

Tangled maths in year 2

Rapunzel's wanted to build new tower at her new castle and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were great builders! We used multiplication, tens and units and careful counting to build our amazing towers. Well done everyone it was fun and you showed what great mathematicians you are too to shove tricky problems to make your tower stronger and taller! 

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper and 6 Apple - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper - Fibonacci spirals

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper

Fibonacci spirals are emerging!

Maths Day in 5Poplar room with 6 Juniper

Maths Day in 5Poplar with 6 Juniper

Maths Day in 5Poplar

Maths Day in 5Poplar and the office

Maths Day in 5Poplar

Maths Day in 5Poplar